My Shadow and I, once upon a time..

Dow, we've been together for 16th years
We passed every laughs, tears, screams and mads together
You in my side, and I in your side
There're no one could separate us, except death and dark
Thanks for accompanying me for those day
Hope the unlightment's time didn't really come so fast

I still could remember the way we growth
Are you still familiar with my first love's face?
She've really grown a lot
I've accepting her as my past
You must being like that to her shadow too, aren't you?

Do you still remember Mak Dioh?
Bunda told me that she've passed away this afternoon
Let's pray the best for her
I'll surely miss her
Even she seems no longer exist in this world since a while ago

If everything keep walks in it's way,,
I'll finish my school several years again
Then get married with someone
After have a nice job off course
Am I will married with my girlfriend?
Who knows yaa
I guess this is what called future
And it will come soon..
Too soon for me..

Just a few times more
And I'll playing with my child
Then get retired when they've grown up
Leave me and my wife spent our last seconds
Before jump into the grave

Ooh hell no..
It just seems to fast
I also won't lived in the way the others are
I want to make a revolution
A differences
Make my life more and more cool
And I want you, my shadow, to accompany me at that time

Maybe the time when I rule the world with my own hand
Maybe the time when I could befriended with aliens
Maybe the time when I being the richest man ever
Maybe the time when I..
Well, I think this is what called AMBITION..

I just need you
my shadow
to watch every steps I make
to fade the future together
to being a 'man' or even perfect person
and to surpass every seconds of this life

Again, thanks for accompanying me for those days and on